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澳门黄金城赌城 hosts FutureWork Prosperity Tour

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Click to enlarge,  中央卡罗来纳社区学院的学生诺埃尔·马丁内斯和拉希德·琼斯参加了周三举行的2016年未来工作繁荣之旅项目, June 22, at the Dennis A. Wicker Civic Center in Sanford.

click image to enlarge ⊗

中央卡罗来纳社区学院的学生诺埃尔·马丁内斯和拉希德·琼斯参加了未来工作 ... (more)

Click to enlarge,  中央卡罗来纳社区学院的学生克里斯托弗·巴恩斯和摩根·亚当斯参加了周三举行的“2016年未来工作繁荣之旅”项目, June 22, at the Dennis A. Wicker Civic Center in Sanford.

click image to enlarge ⊗

中央卡罗来纳社区学院的学生克里斯托弗·巴恩斯和摩根·亚当斯参加了 ... (more)

Click to enlarge,  在6月22日星期三举行的“2016年未来工作繁荣之旅”小组讨论中,与会者包括 (left to right) Donnie Charleston, Economy Policy Manager, Institute for Emerging Issues; Amy Dalrymple, Chair, Lee County Board of Commissioners; Joyce D. McGehee, Human Resources Director, Lee County; Daniel Simmons, Chief Professional Officer, Boys & Girls Club of Sanford/Lee County; Denise Martin, Program Director, 澳门黄金城赌城 Health Information Technology; and Jerry Pedley, President and Owner, Mertek Solutions Inc.

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在6月22日星期三举行的“2016年未来工作繁荣之旅”小组讨论中,与会者包括 ... (more)

Click to enlarge,  Mary Parker, <a href=''>澳门黄金城赌城</a> Career Center Coordinator, and Donnie Charleston, Economy Policy Manager, Institute for Emerging Issues, 在周三的“未来工作繁荣之旅2016”活动中向参与者发表讲话, June 22, at the Dennis A. Wicker Civic Center in Sanford.

click image to enlarge ⊗

Mary Parker, 澳门黄金城赌城 Career Center Coordinator, and Donnie Charleston, Economy Policy Manager, Institute ... (more)

06.23.2016College & CommunityCollege GeneralSpecial Events

桑福德——周三上午,“未来工作繁荣之旅”的到来为大学生们敲响了警钟,让他们了解全州的经济前景,并为在不断变化的经济环境中找到工作提供了一些建议, June 22, at the Dennis A. Wicker Civic Center.

这次由中央卡罗莱纳社区学院主办的为期半天的停留是由纽约州立大学新兴问题研究所组织的全州巡回演出的一部分.C. State University. 它旨在解释北卡罗来纳州目前正在发生的经济变化,以及这对未来几年的就业意味着什么.

What kind of shifts?

该研究所预测,人口结构的变化和技术创新将影响该州的经济. Automation alone could eliminate 1.2 million jobs in North Carolina, with as many as 1.由于该研究所所谓的“技术推动的离岸外包”,100万个额外的工作岗位转移到了海外."

中北部地区——一个由州定义的经济开发区,从李县和哈内特县向北延伸,穿过研究三角,一直延伸到弗吉尼亚州边境——是该州八个地区中最不脆弱的. Still, 该研究所预计,该地区可能会损失现有总工资的22%,即约9美元.1 billion.

The presentation in Sanford opened with a discussion among Donnie Charleston, Economy Policy Manager for the Institute for Emerging Issues, 和20名澳门黄金城赌城学生,由教师从三个以技术为导向的学术项目中挑选. 讨论的重点是职业生涯的未来,以及学生如何根据新兴经济制定自己的教育计划.

"This is all about you guys," Charleston said, launching the discussion. "Don't be shy. Don't hold back. Tell me what you think."

Using tablets, 学生们查找他们感兴趣的工作,评估他们因自动化而面临的威胁.

查尔斯顿说,需要员工适应并找到独特解决方案的动态工作前景更光明,因为重复性更强, predictable work can be automated. That includes some jobs that may not seem obvious; even taxi and delivery drivers are at risk with driverless cars already on the road.

Students responded by explaining what they need to be successful. 讨论将个人故事、政策想法、动力需求和当地就业机会混合在一起.

When one student mentioned having to spend so much time in school, Charleston delivered one of those wake up calls: Schooling, at least in the form of more training and earning advanced credentials, is now a permanent part of life. "We're going to have to be lifelong learning," Charleston said. "The reality is that, as the economy highly changes, 你可能处于一种需要不断接受再培训并回到学校的情况."

对于中央卡罗来纳社区学院的学生来说,新的现实带来了喜忧参半的消息. On one hand, they face some challenging job prospects. On the other hand, 他们被一所社区大学录取,在那里他们可以获得所需的教育和证书.

Morgan Adams, one of the students participating in the Prosperity Tour, 在返回学校学习激光和光子学技术之前,他在当地的工业工作.

亚当斯说,他很高兴领导们诚实地承认不稳定的工作环境及其对员工的潜在影响. Because of that volatility, he returned to school to get what he called "a true skill," something that would be marketable and help him stand out.

"In my opinion, some place like 澳门黄金城赌城 is invaluable," Adams said. “在这里,你可以在人生中途做出决定,改变方向,确保未来. With all of the programs that are offered, 几乎每个人都能找到适合自己的工作,帮助自己谋生."

参观结束时,学生和当地公民领袖进行了小组讨论,讨论了在银行和金融领域创造和寻找工作的问题, education, energy, 政府/智能社区和医疗保健——该研究所认为这些行业将成为全州最重要的行业.

Jerry Pedley, president and owner of Mertek Solutions in Sanford, 他说他很喜欢听之前的会议,因为他的公司设计和制造那些正在改变经济的自动化机器. 他概述了公司需要的人才和技能,以及社区大学如何帮助学生为成功做准备.

"I sell robots and automation to people, and what we're really doing is creating better jobs, so we can all make that $50 an hour that you were talking about," Pedley said, referring to an earlier discussion. “因此,机器人和自动化正在创造对更多技能和高薪工作的需求."

而“未来工作繁荣之旅”本可以在15个县的中北部地区的任何地方停留, 澳门黄金城赌城 President Dr. T.E. Marchant said he was honored that event organizers chose Sanford.

“中央卡罗来纳社区学院致力于为我们的学生提供职业成功的最大机会," he said. "This event, provided by the N.C. 州立大学新兴问题研究所,将为我们的学生提供一个很好的经验."

Many other local officials added insight as panelists: John Crumpton, Lee County Manager; Amy Dalrymple, Chair of the Lee County Board of Commissioners; Ken Hoyle, 澳门黄金城赌城's Vice President of Student Services; Chet Mann, Mayor of Sanford; Denise Martin, Program Director for the 澳门黄金城赌城 Health Information Technology program; Joyce McGehee, Human Resources Director for Lee County; Mary Parker, Coordinator of the 澳门黄金城赌城 Career Center; and Daniel Simmons, Chief Professional Officer for the Boys and Girls Clubs of Sanford/Lee County.

After the morning's stop, attention in this North Central Region tour shifted to Apex, where elected officials, business leaders, 其他利益攸关方参加了一场关于公共政策以及如何为即将到来的变化做好准备的晚间演讲. 到7月中旬,类似的旅行团将参观该州的八个经济开发区.

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