
澳门黄金城赌城 VMT毕业生继续挑战自我

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按此放大,  Katie Frazer Molnar says that her two years at 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 were two of the most challenging and rewarding years of her life. The Veterinary Medical Technology graduate is continuing to challenge herself as she works toward her Master's degree in Public Health at Kansas State University. Currently, she conducts rapid and standardized interviews for Salmonella and Shiga toxin-producing E. coli cases in the state of Kansas for the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.


Katie Frazer Molnar says that her two years at 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 were two of the ... (更多)

02.25.2016大学一般大学 & 社区学生/毕业生

SANFORD - Katie Frazer Molnar says that her two years at 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 were two of the most challenging and rewarding years of her life.

The Veterinary Medical Technology graduate is continuing to challenge herself as she works toward her Master's degree in Public Health at Kansas State University. Currently, she conducts rapid and standardized interviews for Salmonella and Shiga toxin-producing E. coli cases in the state of Kansas for the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.

在这些访谈之后, 我负责实验室结果的数据录入, 确保案件调查的完整性, and coordinate and monitor data in the KDHE electronic disease reporting surveillance system. I also assist with enteric cluster and outbreak investigations when they occur,莫尔纳说。, whose Master's emphasis is on infectious diseases and zoonosis.

Molnar, 他来自剑桥, 英格兰, first came to 澳门黄金城赌城 after getting her Bachelor's degree in Psychology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

"I had initially planned on attending law school after completing my Bachelor's degree, 但我觉得我缺乏在这个领域出类拔萃的动力. While trying to figure out what direction I wanted to take, a good friend of mine told me about the VMT program at 澳门黄金城赌城 and I did some research into it,莫尔纳说。, 2011-2013年谁在澳门黄金城赌城学习. “这个项目得到了很高的评价,并提供了一个很好的机会, 负担得起的多领域教育, and I have always had a strong passion for animals and their welfare. Therefore, I decided to take the plunge and have never regretted it."

莫尔纳指出,她在澳门黄金城赌城有很棒的同学. "They were a constant source of support and reinforcement, and we all helped each other overcome the obstacles we faced in the program,她说. “教练们不仅知识渊博, but they also genuinely cared about their students and worked hard to help us succeed. 我们的成功就是他们的成功. 我总是觉得向他们求助很舒服.

"I loved the diversity of the classes and each one provided us with important skill sets, but my favorite class had to be Anatomy and Physiology with Lori Rainforth and my favorite clinical sections were lab animal and exotic animal medicine. There are also few things more satisfying than performing a dental cleaning on a dog or cat!"

Molnar在澳门黄金城赌城的导师中有一位是Dr. 阿伦米尔斯. "She was one of those students who makes teaching fun as she did not just want to learn the 'what,,还有“为什么”,”医生说。. 米尔斯. 如果她错过了考试题目, I would expect her to come to my office to discuss any incorrect answers. She was a real teacher to her own classmates in labs as well.

"She worked at a bird clinic while she was a student here. When we had our spring 'bird lab' here as part of their clinical practices, Katie stepped up and came to the aid of some of her classmates who were having some apprehension about working on a bird,”医生说。. 米尔斯.

"I was very happy to see Katie pursue her Master's degree. Some students have the impression that once they graduate, school is over. The ones who go on to do great things are those who see that education continues through life and get excited about learning new things. 凯蒂是那种无论走到哪里都不会停下来的人, but will be looking for what else there is to learn and do."

莫尔纳喜欢她目前的工作有很多原因, including friendly and helpful coworkers and supervisors who encourage independent thinking and autonomy. "But what I love the most is that every day presents new challenges and opportunities for learning, 尤其是当病毒爆发时,莫尔纳说。. "It is very interesting to take part in an investigation and learn the process of identifying outbreak sources and how they will be addressed to help prevent additional illness in the community."

Molnar says her current job may seem a little bit outside of the scope of a veterinary technician's career path, but her experiences at 澳门黄金城赌城 have been extremely valuable in helping her excel at it. "The VMT program teaches important skill sets that are beneficial for any career path, 比如团队合作和自主工作, 表现出专业的行为, 时间管理, 在压力下也能很好的工作. It has also been helpful to come into this job with a knowledge of animals and their proper care and husbandry,莫尔纳说。. “E. coli and Salmonella can be spread by direct contact with animals or their surroundings, so it is important to educate people about the ways they can help prevent the spread of these infections without them thinking that they need to give up their animals."

What advice would Molnar give someone who may be considering the 澳门黄金城赌城 VMT program? “如果你热爱动物, and are willing to put in the time and commitment that it takes to be successful in the program, then attending 澳门黄金城赌城's VMT program is one of the best decisions you could make,她说. “你会在成长中受到很好的教育, versatile field and will find that it opens many doors of opportunity!"

For more information on the 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 Veterinary Medical Technology program, 访问网站 www.预备.edu/curriculum/majors/veterinarymedical 或致电919-718-7234或发电子邮件至 dbern509@预备.edu.

For more information on 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院, 访问网站 www.预备.edu.