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Capt. Dunn, the heart of 澳门黄金城赌城's Fire Academy

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Click to enlarge,  Capt. 威尔伯特·“流浪汉”·邓恩是开发商,也是中央卡罗莱纳社区学院消防学院的负责人, leads cadets into their graduation ceremony at the Dennis A. Wicker Civic Center. 在2003年退休之前,邓恩在罗利消防局工作了31年,大部分时间都是一名消防教练. He later developed and has run the college's Academy, which opened in 2010. 消防学员接受七个月的强化训练,然后到查塔姆的消防部门服务, Harnett, Lee, and surrounding counties. For more information on 澳门黄金城赌城's Firefighter Academy, contact Joey Shue, at (919) 777-7778, go online to or visit the Academy at 3000 Airport Road, in Sanford.

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Capt. 威尔伯特·“流浪汉”·邓恩是开发商,也是中央卡罗莱纳社区学院消防学院的负责人, ... (more)

Click to enlarge,  Capt. 威尔伯特·“流浪汉”·邓恩是开发商,也是中央卡罗莱纳社区学院消防学院的负责人, 自2010年学院成立以来,他一直在培训和激励消防员. Before that, 在罗利消防局的31年里,他训练了数千名消防员. For more information on 澳门黄金城赌城's Firefighter Academy, contact Joey Shue, Fire/Rescue coordinator, at (919) 777-7778, go online to or visit the Academy at 3000 Airport Road, in Sanford.

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Capt. 威尔伯特·“流浪汉”·邓恩是开发商,也是中央卡罗莱纳社区学院消防学院的负责人, ... (more)

12.30.2013College & CommunityCollege GeneralStudents/Graduates

SANFORD - Fire Capt. Wilbert "Tramp" Dunn, 22岁刚从越南退役就找到了毕生事业的灵感.

"One day, 我被困在罗利的交通中,在我面前发生了一场严重的事故," he said. "The firemen were the first to get there. They saved property; they no doubt saved lives. I thought, I'd like to do that, so I got with a volunteer fire department. Once I fought my first fire, the bug bit and the rest is history."

And what a history it has been. 2003年,在罗利消防局工作了31年后,邓恩退休了, most of it as a firefighter trainer. 2010年,中央卡罗莱纳社区学院决定建立自己的消防学院, Dunn was the logical choice to get it off the ground.

Dunn is cutting back on firefighter training at this point, due to health issues, but he leaves a legacy of leadership in the field and 澳门黄金城赌城's Fire Academy, which he describes as one of the best in North Carolina.

"He has done wonders with the Fire Academy," said Joey Shue, 退休的桑福德消防部门队长和学院的消防/救援协调员. "People just love him. 他知道如何激励这些孩子,让他们做得更好,完成所有事情. He's been a great inspiration to get them started off on the right foot."

邓恩在RFD的大部分时间都是在威克县消防学院担任培训师, 分享他从训练和艰苦危险的火灾经历中学到的东西. He brought that expertise to the 澳门黄金城赌城 Fire Academy.

The college has been offering firefighter training since 1974. 多年来,该计划发展到包括其他类型的紧急情况和第一响应者培训. In 2001, the state, 县和学院共同改造了前桑福德-李县机场, off Tramway Road, into the Emergency Services Training Center. 它是学院查塔姆三个县服务区的急救人员的培训设施, Harnett, and Lee, and beyond.

Shue has served as the Fire/Rescue Training coordinator since 1995. As the training programs grew and enrollment increased, he realized that the ESTC was missing a critical component: a Fire Academy. With an academy, 人们可以接受密集和多样化的培训,以满足现代消防和救援工作的要求.

"When we first started planning for this Academy, Capt. 邓恩是我认识的唯一一个我能把他带到这里并让事情有个好的开始的人," Shue said. "He knew the academy setting, and I knew he was the man for the job. He has been the backbone of it since it opened in 2010."

Dunn had been enjoying his retirement, 但是,建立一所学院来培养他所热爱的至关重要的职业领域的人才,这个想法非常有吸引力. He agreed to come and do one seven-month academy, to show how an academy is run. Then, he would turn it over to someone to run and go back into retirement. That was five academies ago.

The Fire Academy program is 815 hours of training. Cadets earn certifications in areas such as emergency medical response, fire fighting, hazardous materials, and vehicular rescue. They also train in incident command systems, rapid intervention, safety and survival, interviewing, and physical agility. Students are required to wear firefighter uniforms during training.

"I can see the result of making Lee, Chatham and Harnett counties a better place to live, to work and play, thanks to Central Carolina and this Academy," Dunn said. "We're preparing students to go into a very exciting, life-saving career. Oh, (对一名消防员来说)接到电话说有人失去了一切,而你做出了改变,这是多么令人兴奋啊! Oh, 瓦砾堆在高速公路上,你把这些人从车里救出来,挽救了一条生命,这是多么令人兴奋啊——今天没有人去太平间.

“哦,把生命带到这个地球上是多么令人兴奋,接生一个孩子!" he continued, “你知道,在学院成立之前,你没有这些知识, you didn't have those skills. Oh, 知道有些人在外面执行主的旨意,我晚上可以安心休息的感觉是什么, the college, and the emergency services."

邓恩认为该学院的成功很大程度上要归功于当地的消防部门, who lend their expensive fire fighting equipment and trucks for training. The downside is that the equipment is not always available. When the tornado struck Lee County in 2010, 消防设备的培训不得不暂时搁置,因为消防部门对设备的需求非常迫切. 邓恩期待着有一天,学院将有预算购买更多的自己的设备.

Dunn brought his years of expertise and experience to the creation of the Academy. He also brought something he had learned as a young man in the U.S. Army: discipline is Rule #1.

That discipline shows in doing things right, 无论是清理教室里洒出来的咖啡,还是练习救援演习. 这体现在邓恩要求学员对他人的尊重和礼貌上. And, it shows in the self-confidence that the cadets gain, 他们知道自己已经学会了用技能迎接艰苦危险工作的挑战, compassion, and teamwork.

"Having been a military policeman has affected how I train," Dunn said. “当我在罗利当教练时,我引入了准军事训练和纪律,从那时起就一直这样做. I teach the recruits, you've got one shot to make a difference, one shot is all God gives you when you go out of here. If any firefighters that graduate this Academy could not put it out, there's no need to call another fire department because they can do no better. 如果我的学院不能把它扑灭,那就叫军队来——这是你唯一的资源. Is that cocky? No. That's knowing your job. You're going to do your job around here or you will not graduate this Academy."

Dunn is strict, but his heart is very much with the cadets. There are few scholarships for those attending the Fire Academy. 在最近的一堂课上,有三个学生卖掉了他们的皮卡车来支付学费. Sometimes, there are students who say they don't need lunch, when the reality is that they used their lunch money for gas to get to class. Dunn frequently reaches into his own pocket to help them.

"I see a bunch of me in them," he said quietly.

消防员乔纳森·贝克是许多在邓恩手下受训的人之一. 他目前是北查塔姆消防局的全职消防员,也是匹兹堡消防局的志愿者.

Baker graduated from the Academy in 2011, 他于2013年获得吉尔福德技术社区学院消防技术副学士学位, 目前正在北卡罗来纳大学夏洛特分校攻读消防安全工程技术学士学位.

“邓恩队长对消防工作的热情点燃了我对这一职业的热情,”贝克说. "He is the sum of all a firefighter should and can be. He always looks out for his own, and puts others first. Clearly, he's one of the best fire officers to have ever served in the state. He's affected the lives of hundreds, if not thousands, of firefighters. 他通过生活和教导的一句话影响了北卡罗来纳州消防服务的未来:“未来属于那些为它做准备的人。.'"

在最近的一次毕业典礼上,一位祖母感谢邓恩照顾她的孙子. With tears in her eyes, she said, "My grandson is 19 years old and he's never said 'Yes, ma'm' to me in his life, but he's been doing that since he came to this school. I asked him, was he going to cut grass, and he said, 'Yes, ma'm, grandmom,' and I thought my grandchild was sick. 他出去,把割草机拿出来,检查机油——我从来没见过他检查机油. He put the gas in and he cut the entire yard. My grandson has never done that in 19 years. You have made a man out of him. I'm so happy, I could die a happy woman now."

邓恩笑着回忆说:“你不能给我100万美元. 这让我晚上睡得很舒服,因为我知道是我们——不是我——中央卡罗来纳大学的全体员工改变了一些人的生活."

欲了解更多关于中国中交消防学院的信息,请致电(919)777-7778与舒联系 or visit the Academy at 3000 Airport Road, in Sanford.