
澳门黄金城赌城的Phi Theta Kappa分会达到五星水平

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按此放大,  Student officers and advisors of 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院's chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society (left) President Jonathan Stubbs, 查塔姆县的, and (starting third from left) Recording Secretary Zachary White, 哈内特县, 司库金伯利·奎恩, 李县, 副总裁赛斯·汤姆, 查塔姆县的, 以及顾问马克·霍尔和迈克·尼尔, display the Five Star Level Award plaque presented to them at the PTK's regional conference. Pictured with them is a Phi Theta Kappa Carolinas Region officer (second from left). Five Star is the highest level in the society's Chapter Development Plan, requiring the chapter members to meet high standards for chapter activity and college and community service. Phi Theta Kappa is the official honor society for two-year colleges and the largest honor society in American higher education. 中国商会分会目前有225名会员. For more information about PTK's Beta Sigma Phi Chapter, visit www.预备.edu and click on the A-Z index for Phi Theta Kappa, or contact Mark Hall, mhall@预备.或919-781-7422,或Mike Neal, mneal@预备.Edu或919-718-7337.


Student officers and advisors of 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院's chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa ... (更多)

06.13.2013俱乐部大学 & 社区大学一般学生/毕业生

SANFORD - Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society has awarded 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院's Beta Sigma Phi Chapter the organization's Five Star Level recognition, 最高级别的明星认可, 表彰分会在学术和服务方面的卓越表现.

Phi Theta Kappa is the official honor society for two-year colleges and the largest honor society in American higher education. 它有超过200万的会员和超过1,在美国和国际上有250个分会.

The college's Beta Sigma Phi Chapter is less than three years old, 但从一开始就非常活跃. It achieved First Star Level recognition within four months of being chartered in November 2010. In 2011, 它获得了一星分会的称号, 最佳新章奖, and Advisor Horizon Awards for advisors Mike Neal and Mark Hall. Lead Humanities instructor Hall and Student Activities Director Neal have been the advisors for the chapter since its beginning.

In 2012, 该分会获得了四星分会称号, Distinguished Honors in Action Project: History and the Future, 行动计划优秀奖, 荣誉奖杰出学院项目, 荣誉奖最完善章节, 尼尔和霍尔获得地平线顾问奖.

2013年至今, 它获得了五星分会的称号, 获得案例研究挑战奖, 副总统赛斯·汤姆获杰出军官奖, 以及Hall的顾问地平线奖. 目前,该分会有225名成员.

The Five Star recognition was presented at the March 22-24 Phi Theta Kappa Carolinas Regional Convention in Clemmons. The chapter was also recognized at the society's April 3-7 Annual Convention in San Jose, Calif.

"While the chapter development awards recognize our achievements and activities, 更重要的是什么, 作为一个章节, 我们帮助了社区里的人,霍尔说. “这些项目为我们赢得了认可, 和其他分会活动一样, were conceived and directed by the student members of Phi Theta Kappa to serve our communities, and they signify the initiative that students take to help others."

The Five Star recognition is part of Phi Theta Kappa's Chapter Development Plan. It serves as a guide for chapters to enhance their strategies to recognize eligible students, provide significant personal and professional development opportunities for members, 在他们的校园和社区中变得活跃起来. Chapters do not compete against one another for this recognition; it is based on chapter excellence and the sequential attainment of goals at the One Star, 两个明星, 三个星, 四个星, 和五星级别.

Requirements for the Five Star Level include fulfilling all the requirements for the lower levels; participating in organization conventions; all chapter officers registering with collegefish.org, an online four-year college and university transfer and scholarship application site; hosting events; providing community service; and submitting chapter projects to the PTK Hallmark Awards program.

澳门黄金城赌城's chapter completed requirements for the Five Star Level during 2012. 这样做, 成员参加了区域和分会的活动, such as co-hosting the PTK regional fall fellowship event with Asheville-Buncombe Technical 社区 大学, co-conducting a three-county food drive with other 澳门黄金城赌城 student organizations, and conducting other drives to help meet the needs of community organizations such as the Hillcrest Youth Shelter, 李县的避风港, 以及查塔姆的食品银行, 哈内特和李县.

获得澳门黄金城赌城 Phi Theta Kappa分会会员资格, students must have completed 12 semester hours of associate degree coursework with a grade point average of 3.7对4.0规模. 国家组织只要求3分.5 GPA才有资格成为会员. Members of 澳门黄金城赌城's Beta Sigma Phi Chapter must maintain a GPA of at least 3.5、必须遵守学生行为准则.

中交有自己的荣誉协会, θ Tau, from 1986 to the chartering of a Phi Theta Kappa chapter in 2010. President Bud Marchant brought the idea for establishing a chapter to the college's board of trustees for discussion and approval.

“我认为这是个好主意,”受托人R.V. 高, who was chair of the board's Student and Academic Support 服务 Committee in 2010 when the idea of establishing a PTK chapter was discussed. “我很自豪我们能这样做."

Marchant said 高 was instrumental in promoting the idea of moving from a stand-alone society to a chapter of the international honor society.

"R.V. had a great deal to do with the starting of the college's Beta Sigma Phi Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa,他说. "It stands as one his major contributions to the quality of education the college offers and its national recognition as an institution of excellence. 我们感谢他在这方面的领导.

"We are extremely proud of what these students have achieved in the short time the chapter has been in existence,他补充道. “他们很成熟。, 高度自我激励, 面向目标的, 并为学校和社区服务. I congratulate them and their advisors for this well-deserved recognition."

For more information about PTK's Beta Sigma Phi Chapter, visit www.预备.edu and click on the A-Z index for Phi Theta Kappa, or contact Mark Hall, mhall@预备.edu 或919-781-7422,或麦克·尼尔, mneal@预备.edu or 919-718-7337.