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澳门黄金城赌城-led project finds success coaching helps students stay in school and earn credentials

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Click to enlarge,  Dr. Brian S. Merritt, Central Carolina Community College's Vice President of Student Learning & Chief Academic Officer, 在白宫做了一个关于2016年“世界第一”计划的报告.

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Dr. Brian S. Merritt, Central Carolina Community College's Vice President of Student Learning & ... (more)

Click to enlarge,  2016年,中交“世界第一”项目联合主任Sarah Deal访问了白宫和教育部.

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中交“世界第一”项目联合主任萨拉·迪尔访问了白宫和国务院 ... (more)

12.01.2020College & CommunityCollege General

SANFORD - In 2015, 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院(澳门黄金城赌城)与另外九所北卡罗莱纳社区学院开始了一段旅程,以帮助验证一个可以帮助促进社区学院学生成功的解决方案. 澳门黄金城赌城领导了“Carolina Works”项目,在北卡罗来纳州推广积极主动的成功教练模式,以改善学生的成绩,最终目标是验证教练是一种行之有效的学生成功策略.

The 2015 consortium project was funded by a $9.2 million First in the World validation grant by the U.S. Department of Education. The grant remains the largest in the history of Central Carolina Community College.

中央卡罗莱纳大学成功指导的历史可以追溯到2012年,当时该学院成立了一个大学成功中心,由一群成功教练组成,他们与教职员工合作,为最需要的学生提供个性化的学术和个人支持. 成功教练与教职员工合作,使用由Aviso Retention提供支持的创新预警/建议系统.

In North Carolina, as the economy grows, 绝大多数新工作都要求高中以上学历,但在25-44岁的北卡罗来纳州人中,拥有高质量证书或高等教育学位的不到一半. Therefore, in 2019, the myFutureNC goal was established, stating a bold vision for the future of education in the state: "ensuring that by 2030, 2 million North Carolinians have a high-quality credential or a postsecondary degree.myFutureNC最近宣布,这一目标已经得到了北卡罗莱纳州社区学院系统58所学院的支持.

With the results of this project, 如今,成功培训已成为一种行之有效的方法,可以缩小与成绩之间的差距,帮助北卡罗来纳实现雄心勃勃的目标.

Dr. Brian S. Merritt, Central Carolina Community College's Vice President of Student Learning & Chief Academic Officer, led the effort to secure the First in the World grant and provided oversight for the project. “成功指导现在是一种行之有效的策略,可以帮助我们更全面地为学生服务,缩小成绩差距. When we launched our success team in 2012, we began to see immediate results in student retention and success over those next few years. But, we were eager to understand why and how, and to prove -- with hard evidence -- that it does work," said Merritt. "Along with our national partners, expert evaluators at DVP-PRAXIS, early alert software Aviso Retention, and nine amazing partner institutions, we have now learned lessons that will inform student success work for decades to come."

The First in the World program was designed by the U.S. Department of Education to support the development, replication, 传播创新的解决方案和证据,帮助那些有可能无法坚持完成大学学业的学生解决高等教育中持续存在的广泛挑战.

With the "Carolina Works" project findings, success coaching, or essentially relationship-building with a professional on campus, 这是一种缩小公平差距、帮助更多学生提前完成学位和其他课程的方法吗.

Here are the key findings from the project (see research brief at

学生和成功教练之间的长期接触(尤其是面对面的会议)会带来更好的结果, as it takes time to develop quality relationships with students.



Students benefit more from success coaching when their coaches don't change, as building trusting, personal relationships with coaches takes time.









National expert, Jobs For the Future, served as an advisor and advocate for the project. JFF旨在设计和推动采用创新的、可扩展的教育和职业培训模式和系统,从大学准备到职业发展. JFF还制定和倡导支持这些解决方案所需的联邦和州政策.

Dr. Derek Price, President of DVP-PRAXIS, served as the independent evaluator for the grant. Dr. Price是Lumina教育基金会的前任高等教育研究主任,在高等教育研究方面有着丰富的经验. The Carolina Works project design modeled a research study by Bettinger & Baker (2011) titled, 大学生辅导的效果:对学生辅导随机实验的评价.该研究发现,在24个月的时间里,积极主动的成功培训使对照组的员工保留率提高了14%.

The nine partner colleges are Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute, Carteret Community College, Cleveland Community College, College of the Albemarle, Isothermal Community College, Pamlico Community College, Randolph Community College, Roanoke-Chowan Community College, and Southwestern Community College.

"I think it's incredible that 10 relatively small, rural, N.C. 社区大学能够作为一个联盟走到一起,不仅成功地建立了成功的辅导项目,而且还实施了Aviso技术,同时保持了严格的随机对照试验的完整性," said Sarah Deal, Ph.D., who served as 澳门黄金城赌城 First in the World project co-director. “我认为这说明了我们大学对学生成功的奉献和承诺,并突出了这些惊人之处, talented professionals we have working across our system."

Central Carolina Community College offers a wide variety of programs, as students can earn associate degrees or college transfer credits, diplomas, or certificates. 澳门黄金城赌城 also offers instruction in such areas as Short-term Job Training, College & Career Readiness, Personal Interests, Business & Industry, and Emergency Services Training. 澳门黄金城赌城 has been nationally ranked as No. 25 in The Best Community Colleges & 2020年最佳大学贸易学院排名,并在北卡罗莱纳州最佳社区学院排名中排名第一.

For more information on Central Carolina Community College, visit